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How to import/export on Android?
Due to the new changes beginning with Android 13, which meant, that Android restricted the access to folders like "Download", Beanconqueror needed a new Release and started with 6.6.2 to match those restrictions.
This was a big issue, because Beanconqueror did an automatic backup solution, which wrote files to the "Download"-Folder where user then could export or import when changing to a new device.
After this restriction changes, Beanconqueror is not allowed anymore to write to the "Download"-Folder, therefore an automatic backup version is not possible there anymore
This restrictions also enforced me, to update the minimum requirement Android Version to 7.0.
Android does not give any possibility to get the old rights back, which where before 'READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' just if Beanconqueror would be a file manager.
You can read more here Android 13 changes
Therefore we needed a new solution, this one is called "externalDataDirectory".
After normal file-manager may not support these way, please make sure to download the special app: Total Commander to get access to those structures Total Commander
When you press "Export" the files are now Downloaded to: 'Android/data/**'
You may beed to search a bit, because this folder can lay below 'storage/emulated/0/Android' or like '/sdcard/Android' and so on, this will differ from device to device.
Swapping your Android device or importing a backup file?
This one is a bit tricky now.
Please export the whole '' folder (you can move the whole directory to the Download folder e.g.), and then on your new phone, install Beanconqueror, don't open it, copy this folder again into the same place.
Put your '' file into your normal 'Download' folder, open up Beanconqueror, and press Import, select the zip file, and voila, everything should work :)
If you don't want to import attachments/brew-jsons, just import your ZIP-File, you don't need to copy the whole '' folder so.
How to use Beanconqueror on an older Android Device (5.1, 6, 7?)
You can still Download an older APK from Github: 6.6.1 release or below.
Sync data between devices (iOS Sync) / User Login
The synchronization of data or login functionality is an often asked feature.
This topic is a big big thing, which will led into a user login in the end, which needs really much development aswell as testing. (Offline / Online synchronisation, File sync (Photo, Raw data from Bluetooth devices,...) etc.)
As much as I'd love to do this, as less time I've for this at the moment
Given solutions like from iOS or Android are not suitable on the actual solution inside Beanconqueror, which has been tested out on my side.
The plugin Cordova Plugin Cloud Setting just stores JSON-Data but doesn't sync files, also the plugin has an issue when it comes to bigger JSON-structures, which will come over time
In the end, there also comes the situation, that with a user login, more infrastructure/server needs to exist, which needs to be paid.
Actually the costs are 0% covered in the actual situation and after I pay everything out of my own pocket, and also doing the whole development on my spare/hobby time this is not a thing at the moment.
Dark Mode Support?
The UI/UX was done by a former college - which did this all on her sparetime and for no money, but sadly left the project more than 2 years ago.
She also designed and illustrated those beautiful preparation icons we all use daily :)
The request for the dark mode was and is still addressed in several forum, discords, emails or direct in chat towards me.
If there is someone out there, which likes to invest the time to design & style the whole application for a dark mode as a gift for Beanconqueror, I'd gladly & happily implement this for everyone, but if there is no helping hand, this won't happen in a near, middle or far future so - sorry!
Are you doing this all on your own?
I am doing this all on my own, at my sparetime besides my main job
Which bluetooth scales are supported?
Decent Scale
Acaia Scales (Lunar, Pearl, Pyxis)
Hint: Sometimes data are not transferred, specially on iOS, please reconnect the scale inside the brew view until the weight-tile shows the actual weight, there is no better fix at the moment - sorry! Brew modes from Acaia are not supported
Hiroia Jimmy
Felicita Scales
Eureka Precisa Hint: If the Eureka Precisa recieves a negative value, the timer stops, this is a firmware issue
Skale 2
Smart Chef
Data loss with Version 6.1 on Android? What to do!
If you haven't updated to Version 6.1, please make sure to do a backup via settings.
Now the full story:
Beanconqueror 6.1 needed a lot of new plugins and with this updates were incoming.
One of these was, that I needed to add an updated Android Version framework.
Before this I had always .APK Files which I uploaded to the Play-Store.
With the update I just got AAB-Files which in general is the new format for the Play-Store.
Data in Beanconqueror are stored in a local database, and with this bundle type change the database got !sadly! messed up and therefore the app tries to grab the database and this one is empty.
I can't rollback, because the Play Store just accepts AAB's and not APK-Files anymore.
What you can do?
First: Do a backup if you not upgraded and just reimport this one - everything will work as intended.
If you already updated and you suffer dataloss, Beanconqueror (glady) build already in that Beanconqueror does automatic data-exports.
You'll find them here: "Download/Beanconqueror_export/Beanconqueror_automatic_export_*.json"
* stands for the latest timestamp
Please take the latest timestamp, import and everything should work as intended.
Sorry for all of this, I couldn't be more sad then I'm actually in this situation.
If you need further help, please contact me: [email protected]
Update from 28.04.2022
I could find a solution, which needs a bit technical skills
You'll need to install via ADB the old 6.0 Version, which you'll find on GitHub
With this the old database should be back again and you can export all data in the settings menu
After this you update to the latest version via the play store
IMPORTANT!: You never delete the Beanconqueror App
All this information and the links can be found here:
What does Beanconqueror cost?
Beanconqueror costs nothing - yes, you heard this right, nothing :) We are passionate about coffee and dedicate our free time to bring you the tools you need. Nevertheless, we are always happy if you support us with our running costs...
Are you really open source?
Oh yes! As stated in our vision, you can see what we stand for and what our principals are. You can check out the source code directly in Github.