You want to know what changed since the last update? Here we go,
check out what we fixed, added and/or improved in the app. We can't wait to hear your thoughts.
Release 8.0.0 (January, 2025)
App Layer
The app layer has been changed (from Cordova to Capacitor), if you encounter any issues, please contact: [email protected]
Coming with this there have been done a lot of performance-tweaks
I want to give an big thanks here to RagingCactus which did an phenomenal job in lifting the application here!
New language
Norwegian support - Big thanks to Mehlonious
Greek support - Big thanks to Mr. Pterodactyl
Portuguese support - Bigs thanks to Leandro, Celso and Emanuel
New support for Varia AKU Pro & Micro
New support for Solobarista Scale
A new popup is shown, where the bluetooth device can be chosen instead of the first one found is connected
Fixing different connection & weight transfer issues with Acaia scales - Big thanks to Mimoja
Removing disable anomaly / negative value setting - Please use the ignore current weight solution if needed
Adding low energy mode for pressure-sensors (Weight is just transmitted when in brew-add screen & type espresso)
Import a Beanconqueror graph from Visualizer (you need a bluetooth device)
Create and read NFC-Tags or QR-Codes for beans with predefined actions
Added sort for brews
Added autocomplete for coffee type
Added border for best brew / favourite brew
Extended sort for beans
Open date for a bean is set when the parameter is active
You can now do a full export aswell as import in the Settings
You can hide the value-cards on a maximized screen
Fixing calculation functions for frozen beans / roasted beans
Fixing mixed up images
Fixing green bean weight is not reduced when roasting
Fixing some paddings and spacings
Many technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
Release 7.5.0 (September, 2024)
New language
Dutch support - Thanks to Ygg
Collapsing a brew-list is now possible
Displaying if a frozen bean was used
Bean image now visible on selection
Read and import a history shot from the Meticulous
Brew list entries are now swipe able when they have graph
Collapsing the bean list is now possible
Beans are now sortable by bean age
Sorting are not reset anymore when archiving a bean
Green beans
Green beans are now importable - See Settings
Set the starting axis for the pressure
Import green beans or roasted beans
Data corruption detection
Beanconqueror now checks if somehow a data corruption occured, and if yes,
it shows you a popup to make it possible to import a backup
Fixing sorting of preparation tools
Fixing frozen bean calculation to fix rounding issues
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
Release 7.4.0 (August, 2024)
Its now possible to freeze your coffee beans, activate this feature in the
Added best and open date for beans, you need to activate this parameter
Beans can now be directly added from the select overview
Support of the Combustion Inc. Thermometer - Thanks for the Device!
Support of the Meater Thermometer (not Meater 2 or Meater +) - Thanks to
Water Section
Added Pure Coffee Water
Added Empirical Water
Preparation Tools
Sort now your preparation tools
Grinder images are now shown in the select overview
Security message if you changed the rating for brews or beans, and the
maximum is lower then an already rated entry
Reverted the direct seconds focus when opening the timer
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
Release 7.3.0 (June, 2024)
Water Section - Added Third Wave Water
Find all your loved Third Wave Water Profiles in the Water selection
Bluetooth Scales
Support of Bookoo-Scale - Thanks to Yannick!
Pressure Sensor
Support of Bookoo-Pressure Sensor - Thanks to Yannick!
Please note that the actual threshold-autostart is currently not
Haptic Engine
Let the phone vibrate when you start a brew - Experimental feature - Enable
in settings
Just iOS - Text to Speech
Enable text to speech and speak out all scale weight values aswell as the
brew timer - Experimental feature - Enable in settings
Send Extraction Yield to Visualizer
Can now be sorted to left or right
When opening the timer, focus seconds directly
Hide hours or minutes in the timer overlay
Show icon if the portafilter Xenia or Meticulous is connected or
disconnected in the toolbar
Fixing that you could not save a brew when in edit mode when the while
brewing section was not visible
Unarchive a bean in the action list
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
Release 7.2.0 (May, 2024)
More languages
Support of Italian - Thanks to Cancercookie
Support of Polish - Thanks to MarcinSachs
Bluetooth Scales
Time start will wait, until the scale is reporting several 0 weight reports,
when you set 'Tare scale when starting timer'
Adding toggle for V1 and V2 Api usage
Adding a Brew By Weight Feature with automatic calculcation to stop the shot
on wished weight
First Meticulous integration - Thanks to the whole Meticulous Team!
Define a threshold for the first drip to count
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
Showing popups if the database access could not be established.
A big thank you to all translators who are putting in tremendous effort to
make the app available in multiple languages.
Release 7.1.0 (March, 2024)
More languages
Support of French - Thanks to Yannick
Support of Indonesian - Thanks to Bondan, Ganjar
Bluetooth Scales
Supporting a new DIY-Bluetooth-Scale (Rust & Python Firmware)
Support of DiFluid Microbalance Ti
Improving the flow calculation for all scales
Graph Area
Added more information to the choosing reference card
Bluetooth-Scales - Added a taring button to the top of the toolbar
Support of copying a variety information
Water section
Added potassium parameter
RPM parameter now visible in the list view and selection view
Define your own time axis for filter or espresso with connected bluetooth
Adding different date formats to also match American format
Minor bug fixes
Release 7.0.0 (December, 2023)
Bluetooth Scale Mode
Start the timer on the first detected change in weight - Activatable in the
settings (new button visible)
Ignore the current transmitted weight - e.g., for swirls, stirs, or removing
weight without intentional graph spikes - Activateable in the settings (new
button visible)
Bluetooth Scales
Support for a Bluetooth-No-Name scale
When connecting a DiFluid Microbalance or Felicita scale, the command delay
is set directly
Graph Area
Activate the graph area in the settings
Set a brew graph for a new brew to follow it
Graphs can come from a brew or from the individual graph area
Upload your own graph - Export a .JSON file from your brews
Automatically upload each new brew with a connected graph to Visualizer -
Activatable in the settings
Manually upload all brews to Visualizer if needed
Thanks to Miha for the support!
Repeat a brew from the detail view
First-drop can now be activated for a preparation method, even if it is not
an espresso method (e.g., Pulsar)
Display of brew rate with a connected scale in the maximized view
Last brews are now sorted alphabetically, and the last used date is
Real-time flow with a connected scale now shows values under 1g/s for
Repeat the last brew or the best brew from the beans view card
Preparation method
Preparation tools are now sorted alphabetically and can be filtered
Last usage of the preparation methodology is now displayed when
Last grind size and last usage are now visible when selecting a grinder
Bug fix: Deactivated scripts are no longer executed
Display of a security prompt if you have made changes to a brew or a bean -
Activatable in the settings
Now set your individual start X- and Y-Axis for brews with bluetooth devices
Ionic 7
Update from Ionic 6 to Ionic 7
Minimum version for iOS is now iOS 14
Minimum version for Android is now Android 7.1
Use of Lokalise for all translations - Many thanks to Yannick
Want to translate too? With Localise, it's now easy. Contact us:
[email protected]
Minor bug fixes
Release 6.6.2 (September, 2023)
Android 13 - Filestorage permissions
Due to changes in the file system permissions in Android, the access paths
for how files are backed up and imported had to be revised. In addition,
camera and image access no longer worked on Android 13 devices and got fixed
with this update.
Due to these changes, the minimum requirement for this app also had to be
raised to Android 7.0.
You can find out how Import/Export works now here:
iOS - Updated libraries
Due to library changes in cordova, this is a release to match all these
Release 6.6.0 (August, 2023)
Support of DiFluid R2- Thanks to Yannick!
Bluetooth scales
Support of - Thanks to Yannick!
Tweaking the flow-rate for pour scales
Mark a brew for one bean as 'best brew' - Activatable in settings
Copy your notes in the detailview now
Filter your brews by the used profiles
Rate your brew directly by the list menu
Download the visualizer file now also in the detail view Xenia
Script executes are now written into the notes
Setting the brew temperature of the machine when the brew starts Improvements
Small improvements Others
Small bug fixes
Release 6.5.1 (Juni, 2023)
Smaller bug fixes
Release 6.5.0 (Juni, 2023)
Bluetooth scales
Support of DiFluid Microbalance aswell as Smart Chef Scale - Thanks to
For Espresso: Activate in Settings, allow a brew to be automatically stopped
when no flow rate is detected
Added warning popup, when Beanconqueror doesn't receive any weight updates
from a scale
Share beans as an image now as well as a URL
The pressure and temperature of a shot are now recorded as well
If a brew is stopped, the brew graph is now fully displayed
Instead of a .json file we're now using .zip files, for data import and
Please make sure to go to settings and do a one-time safety backup, combined
with the already existing automatic backup to ensure data safety
Small improvements
Small bug fixes
Release 6.4.2 (Juni, 2023)
Fixing crash on startup - iOS
Fixing recycle when a bluetooth scale could not connect - iOS
Disconnect message of bluetooth devices just triggered once
Release 6.4.1 (Juni, 2023)
Sharing functionality on brew-graphs is working now on IOS
Export of Beanconqueror.json is working again on iOS
Bluetooth connection orders, and the reconnect loops sometimes
Adding a heartbeat timer you can set on the settings yourself (just for
Brewgraph issues with negative values / anomalies activated, where weight
jump back to zero
Weight tile keeps weight update now still after resetting
Typeahead suggestions
Loading spinner sometimes doesn't hide again
Cupping chart was empty on detail page
Xenia select script names are now wider
Release 6.4 (May, 2023)
Connect your Xenia portafilter and control it, also with a bluetooth scale
Bluetooth thermometers
Support for ETI Ltd thermometers (ThermaQ Blue, BlueTherm, etc) - Sensors -
Thanks to Myles
Autostart timer on a specific temperature - editable in settings
Bluetooth scales
Support of Skale 2
If a bluetooth scale wants to reset a brew, the user will get an approval
Upload your recorded brews with used bluetooth-devices manually to - Thanks to Miha for your support
(Step 2: Automatic upload)
Bean parameters and list parameters can now be individualized and
Beans can now be filtered by roast degree
Bean page can now be set as starting page - see settings
Type ahead fields for specific fields added, e.g. Variety
Bean variety information can now be searched with free text
New button, where a preparation method can be chosen directly
Individualize which parameters shall be preset when choosing 'Repeat' -
Default: all
Added a filter for all brews which have bluetooth device data attached
Re-work of live brew graphic
Added brew-ratio calculator for brew add/edit to enable faster
Pressing 'Save' will stop the timer
Join the Beanconqueror Discord Server to discuss, report bugs, as questions
or give feedback
Sharing functionality is working again
Export and import your brew graphs
Display the number of entries that exist when using filtering
On brew add/edit, the save or cancel button will be hidden as long as the
keyboard is shown
Numeric keyboard for the grind size field - activate in settings
Smaller bug fixes
Release 6.3 (December, 2022)
Bluetooth scales
Define who long shall be waited until the next bluetooth command
Reset the Brewtime dates
If Bluetooth-Scale connected, the last brew weight will be displayed in the
Bigger buttons on the maximized brew graph
Choose excel or json by downloading the brew data
Bean pictures can now be displayed, instead of preparation method
icons/pictures -> Activate in the settings
Beans can now be searched by there varieties
Displaying notes inside the list and detail view
Choose how many milliseconds shall be displayed (Entered values still need
to be 3 decimal places)
Added donation buttons
Textareas are now scrollable
Brewtime at statistics are now formatted
Notification popups appear now on top and can be closed by X
Disabled detail parameter are active now, e.g. can now be the Grinder be
Analytics can be deactivated or activated
Typos fixed
Update to Ionic 6.4.0
Smaller bug fixes
Release 6.2 (October, 2022)
Pressure devices
Support of 'Do it yourself' Popsicle - Sensor - Thanks to Mike and Shay
Autostart timer on a specific pressure - editable in settings
Press of pressure gauge, will reset pressure to 0
Display name of pressure device and mac-address on connect
Bluetooth scales
Support of Eureka Precisa - Thanks to Mimoja
Define the behavior of the bluetooth scale on a new brew - editable in
Define which graphs should be displayed on filter or espresso - editable in
Sequential processing of bluetooth commands to reduce issues
Display name of bluetooth scale and mac-address on connect
Supports now milliseconds - Activate in settings
Filtersystem expanded, search for roast type and roastery
You can reconnect your bluetooth scale or pressure device on the brew
add/edit page
Share your bean (without server needed) - Thanks to Mike
Show all brews to your bean
Support bean rating like for brews - editable in settings
More languages
Support of Turkish - Thanks to Halil Portakal
Support of Chinese - Thanks to Jiageng
Display of the last used grind setting, aswell as the last used bean
Error message when a bean is scanned, which has not been approved yet
The edit of the brew-date is not activated by default
Typos fixed
Fixed an issue that you didn't see the star-rating even with normal settings
Older brew graphics can now be exported again
Update to Ionic 6.3.0
Smaller bug fixes
Release 6.1 (25.04.2022)
QR Codes
Scan your coffee bags! All coffee information are directly inserted from the
Bluetooth scales
Support of Acaia Pearl 2021 - Thanks to Micah and Mike
Support of Acaia Lunar 2021 - Thanks to Micah and Mike
Support of Acaia Pyxis - Thanks to Micah and Mike
Support of Hiroia Jimmy - Thanks to Silas
Support of Felicita Arc - Thanks to Herman
Care: Acaia Pearl lower 2021 is not supported right now
Weightinformation of bluetooth scale can now be used on the beans page
Weight changes are now visible without starting a brew via timer
Brew overview
Customize your visible brew parameters in the overview in general or for
each preparation method
Preparation images are now visible in the listview
Brew graph
Rework of brew graph to a more smoother solution
Brew graph now can be maximized
Brew graph can now be zoomed in the brew-detail view aswell as exported
Average flow quantity is now displayed
Added fields: Buy date, FOB-Price, Purchasing price
Beans can now be favorited and filtered
If a bean gets archived, you can now rate the package aswell
Pressing '+' you can now choose to add or scan a new package
Long press '+' to directly add a new bean
Preparation methods
Preparation methods can now be repeated with all settings
More preparation methods are available - Thanks to Nicola
Selecting a preparation method also displays the image
Ratings can now be stepped (1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1)
Bluetooth scale - Define if the scale should be set to weight zero when
starting a new brew, or starting the timer
Bluetooth scale - Define if you want to ignore anomalies or negative values
- if yes, a live graph won't be possible
Choose now, if you want to see archived brews on the home page
Export also now exports the raw data of the saved bluetooth values
Delete of preparation method tools now won't delete brews anymore
Preparation method tools now can be edited and archived
Bug fixes
Recording or choosing images on Android works now on newer versions
Found more issues which could lead to a data loss
Small bug fixes
Updating to Ionic-Framework 6, therefore some small visual changes takes
Release 6.0 (06.12.2021)
Bluetooth scales
Support of the first bluetooth scale - Decent-Scale - Big thanks to Decent
Support of Acaia Lunar
Aroma cupping
Cup each brew with the different aromatics and flavors
Water section
Add your own water, activate this section in the settings
Support of more languages
Support for spanish - Big thanks to Frank!
Support of long press '+' on brews
Added new brew parameters
Support of different currencies
Edit brew while in detail view
Choose multiple images at once
Support of brix to TDS conversion
If bean package is empty, you'll be asked if you want to archive the package
on the last brew
Reset of roastdate supported
Support of detail views on beans, grinders and preparation methods
Added brew ratio (g/l)
Support of safe areas
Bug fixes:
Apple Healthkit - Decaffeinated coffee was saved
Copy of beans led to misconduct
Added brew time to excel export
Small bug fixes
Beans, grinders and preparation methods are now sorted alphabetic in
Release 5.4 (15.05.2021)
Roasting section:
Manage all of your green beans and roasters (can be activated in the
settings menu)
Save all of your green beans and transfer them into roasted onces
Add your roaster and connect them with your different kind of roasted
Go live of our new website! ->
Support us:
You've always wanted to support Beanconqueror? We've added a new 'Buy me a
coffee' connection
iOS - iCloud:
The first step into iCloud support was made. At the very first start all of
your existing app data will be moved into the support iCloud directory.
You have to activate this option in the iCloud Settings first in order to
save Beanconqueror on iCloud
Android/iOS - Automated file-export:
Automated Beanconqueror.json-File is saved for a maximum of 7 days, after
that they will be automated deleted again
Excel - Export all of your data to excel to work with it even further
Define your own image quality between 50% to 100% (default 100%)
Brew rating - Define how much stars/points you'd like to set for each brew.
Minimum 5, maximum 100
New tracking:
We've changed to our open source service Matomo, which will be hosted on our
own server
Removed Google Analytics / Firebase
Bug fixes:
Apple Healthkit - Settings were not saved
Sometimes brew rating stars weren't filled (Brew ad d/edit)
Edit via long tap, screen wasn't scrollable
Import of bigger files on iOS led to misconduct
Delete procedure of beans / preparations or mills were not consistent and
lead to graphical issues
Wrong calculation of beverage quantity in statistics and list views
Share your brews and beans with all coffee lovers!
Clean ups
Layout changes
Extension of statistics
Startup check revised, added please wait window
Some label changes
Changed data access / order inside app to reduce problems
Release 5.3 (30.03.2021)
Brew Methods: Changes to
the card view Custom images can be attached in the edit screen Brew
tools will be saved in edit screen, even when '+' is not
Grinders: Custom images can be attached
in the edit screen
Brews: Parameter 'Attachments'
renamed in 'Attachments / Photos
Dashboard: If
bean amount is less then 1000g, the number will be written as a
Bug fixes: Editing via a long-press, does
not change information any more Information on the dashboard are updated
after made changes Multiple variety information with blends can be saved
Release 5.2 (20.03.2021)
Brews: Brew timer
continues in the background Brews can be favored Screen for adding and
editing a brew looks identical Display can stay active during brewing
(can be activated in the settings menu) List of recent brews now also
shows archived brews
Beans: Bean photos are shown
in the overview Beans can be
Interactions: Long press on a card leads to
the edit view Detail view can be accessed via click on the card Github
/ Facebook / Instagram accounts linked
Bugfixes: Bean
information have been copied incorrect Brew amount was activated by
default for new users
Other: Apple Healthkit
integration (can be activated in the settings menu) Cleanups Layout
changes Extension of statistics Startup check revised Support for
different card sized for brews and beans