Water Section - Added Third Wave Water
- Find all your loved Third Wave Water Profiles in the Water selection
Bluetooth Scales
- Support of Bookoo-Scale - Thanks to Yannick!
Pressure Sensor
- Support of Bookoo-Pressure Sensor - Thanks to Yannick!
- Please note that the actual threshold-autostart is currently not supported.
Haptic Engine
- Let the phone vibrate when you start a brew - Experimental feature - Enable in settings
Just iOS - Text to Speech
- Enable text to speech and speak out all scale weight values aswell as the brew timer - Experimental feature - Enable in settings
- Send Extraction Yield to Visualizer
- Can now be sorted to left or right
- When opening the timer, focus seconds directly
- Hide hours or minutes in the timer overlay
- Show icon if the portafilter Xenia or Meticulous is connected or disconnected in the toolbar
- Fixing that you could not save a brew when in edit mode when the while brewing section was not visible
- Unarchive a bean in the action list
- Some technical changes in the code
- Small tweaks