Bluetooth Scale Mode
- Start the timer on the first detected change in weight - Activatable in the settings (new button visible)
- Ignore the current transmitted weight - e.g., for swirls, stirs, or removing weight without intentional graph spikes - Activateable in the settings (new button visible)
Bluetooth Scales
- Support for a Bluetooth-No-Name scale
- When connecting a DiFluid Microbalance or Felicita scale, the command delay is set directly
Graph Area
- Activate the graph area in the settings
- Set a brew graph for a new brew to follow it
- Graphs can come from a brew or from the individual graph area
- Upload your own graph - Export a .JSON file from your brews
- Automatically upload each new brew with a connected graph to Visualizer - Activatable in the settings
- Manually upload all brews to Visualizer if needed
- Thanks to Miha for the support!
- Repeat a brew from the detail view
- First-drop can now be activated for a preparation method, even if it is not an espresso method (e.g., Pulsar)
- Display of brew rate with a connected scale in the maximized view
- Last brews are now sorted alphabetically, and the last used date is displayed
- Real-time flow with a connected scale now shows values under 1g/s for espresso
- Repeat the last brew or the best brew from the beans view card
Preparation method
- Preparation tools are now sorted alphabetically and can be filtered
- Last usage of the preparation methodology is now displayed when selected
- Last grind size and last usage are now visible when selecting a grinder
- Bug fix: Deactivated scripts are no longer executed
- Display of a security prompt if you have made changes to a brew or a bean - Activatable in the settings
- Now set your individual start X- and Y-Axis for brews with bluetooth devices
Ionic 7
- Update from Ionic 6 to Ionic 7
- Minimum version for iOS is now iOS 14
- Minimum version for Android is now Android 7.1
- Use of Lokalise for all translations - Many thanks to Yannick
- Want to translate too? With Localise, it’s now easy. Contact us: [email protected]
- Minor bug fixes