Pressure devices
- Support of ‘Do it yourself’ Popsicle - Sensor - Thanks to Mike and Shay
- Autostart timer on a specific pressure - editable in settings
- Press of pressure gauge, will reset pressure to 0
- Display name of pressure device and mac-address on connect
Bluetooth scales
- Support of Eureka Precisa - Thanks to Mimoja
- Define the behavior of the bluetooth scale on a new brew - editable in settings
- Define which graphs should be displayed on filter or espresso - editable in settings
- Sequential processing of bluetooth commands to reduce issues
- Display name of bluetooth scale and mac-address on connect
- Supports now milliseconds - Activate in settings
- Filtersystem expanded, search for roast type and roastery
- You can reconnect your bluetooth scale or pressure device on the brew add/edit page
- Share your bean (without server needed) - Thanks to Mike
- Show all brews to your bean
- Support bean rating like for brews - editable in settings
More languages
- Support of Turkish - Thanks to Halil Portakal
- Support of Chinese - Thanks to Jiageng
- Display of the last used grind setting, aswell as the last used bean
- Error message when a bean is scanned, which has not been approved yet
- The edit of the brew-date is not activated by default
- Typos fixed
- Fixed an issue that you didn’t see the star-rating even with normal settings
- Older brew graphics can now be exported again
- Update to Ionic 6.3.0
- Smaller bug fixes