Bluetooth scales
- Support of the first bluetooth scale - Decent-Scale - Big thanks to Decent Espresso
- Support of Acaia Lunar
Aroma cupping
- Cup each brew with the different aromatics and flavors
Water section
- Add your own water, activate this section in the settings
Support of more languages
- Support for spanish - Big thanks to Frank!
- Support of long press ‘+’ on brews
- Added new brew parameters
- Support of different currencies
- Edit brew while in detail view
- Choose multiple images at once
- Support of brix to TDS conversion
- If bean package is empty, you’ll be asked if you want to archive the package on the last brew
- Reset of roastdate supported
- Support of detail views on beans, grinders and preparation methods
- Added brew ratio (g/l)
- Support of safe areas
Bug fixes:
- Apple Healthkit - Decaffeinated coffee was saved
- Copy of beans led to misconduct
- Added brew time to excel export
- Small bug fixes
- Beans, grinders and preparation methods are now sorted alphabetic in dropdowns